Info: 'What’s ICONtact, and how to do I find out about it?'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=8, x2=384, y2=72
Type: -120
Info: 'This is beta test version 0.9 of the TEXT File Difference program. It is believed to be working pretty well, but if you discover any bugs or have suggestions, please report them to the author, Peter Olson:'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=80, x2=385, y2=149
Type: -120
Info: ' DELPHI: username PEABO (ICONtact SIG manager). GEnie, MCI Mail, Unison: username PEABO. Usenet or ARPAnet: send to Delphi moderator. CIS: PPN [76174,1670] :-) [FILES BUSY, PLEASE WAIT]'
Bounds: x1=48, y1=152, x2=336, y2=200
Type: -120
Info: 'The program is provided free of charge as a public service of the ICONtact Macintosh User Group on the DELPHI network.'
Items: (5 entries)
Bounds: x1=264, y1=216, x2=360, y2=240
Type: 4
Info: 'Next Screen'
Bounds: x1=32, y1=216, x2=224, y2=240
Type: 4
Info: 'OK, I’ve read enough!'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=0, x2=384, y2=52
Type: -120
Info: 'When a difference is discovered, the program searches for a matching sequence of 4 identical lines before it decides that it has found the end of a changed section.'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=56, x2=384, y2=136
Type: -120
Info: 'If there are many sequences of 4 lines which match, the program could get seriously confused and report many spurious mismatches. At present there is no provision to vary the number of identical lines required for resynchronization.'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=144, x2=384, y2=208
Type: -120
Info: 'This program was ported from MS-DOS to the Macintosh, and therefore it considers CR, LF, CRLF, or LFCR as valid and identical end of line characters. This is a feature, not a bug!'
Items: (5 entries)
Bounds: x1=264, y1=216, x2=360, y2=240
Type: 4
Info: 'Next Screen'
Bounds: x1=32, y1=216, x2=224, y2=240
Type: 4
Info: 'OK, I’ve read enough!'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=8, x2=384, y2=60
Type: -120
Info: 'If you create a file which has long paragraphs of text where the return key is only pressed at the end of the paragraph, it will be difficult to compare.'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=64, x2=384, y2=144
Type: -120
Info: 'The program compares the text line by line, and a “line” is a string of characters ending with a carriage return. When entire paragraphs are lines, changing anything in the paragraph will cause the program to decide that the whole paragraph is different.'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=152, x2=384, y2=200
Type: -120
Info: 'This program works well with program source files, since they are usually formatted as lines with a maximum length of 50 to 100 characters.'
Items: (5 entries)
Bounds: x1=264, y1=216, x2=360, y2=240
Type: 4
Info: 'Next Screen'
Bounds: x1=32, y1=216, x2=224, y2=240
Type: 4
Info: 'OK, I’ve read enough!'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=8, x2=384, y2=40
Type: -120
Info: 'This program compares two files, producing a third file listing the differences between the two.'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=56, x2=384, y2=104
Type: -120
Info: 'Both files have to be text-only! MDS Edit produces such files, and so do MacWrite and Microsoft Word, but only if the file is saved as text-only.'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=120, x2=384, y2=200
Type: -120
Info: 'The program works best if the files contain reasonably short lines. For instance, if you create a text-only file by typing in Monaco 9 and hitting the return key at the right margin of each line, you will get a file which is easy to compare.'
Items: (2 entries)
Bounds: x1=280, y1=216, x2=340, y2=236
Type: 4
Info: 'OK'
Bounds: x1=17, y1=9, x2=266, y2=67
Type: -120
Info: 'There was a problem opening one or both of the input files. Look in the output file for an explanation.'
Items: (5 entries)
Bounds: x1=280, y1=216, x2=340, y2=236
Type: 4
Info: 'YES'
Bounds: x1=200, y1=216, x2=260, y2=236
Type: 4
Info: 'NO'
Bounds: x1=16, y1=8, x2=311, y2=63
Type: -120
Info: 'There is a problem creating the output file. Here are some possible reasons why the output file could not be created:'
Bounds: x1=64, y1=80, x2=312, y2=168
Type: -120
Info: 'The output disk is write protected.The filename is too long.A file with the same name already exists and was not closed properly (rebooting will fix this).'
Bounds: x1=40, y1=184, x2=384, y2=205
Type: -120
Info: 'Do you want to try entering the files names again?'
Items: (6 entries)
Bounds: x1=280, y1=184, x2=340, y2=204
Type: 4
Info: 'YES'
Bounds: x1=200, y1=184, x2=260, y2=204
Type: 4
Info: 'NO'
Bounds: x1=56, y1=216, x2=344, y2=240
Type: 4
Info: 'YES, and show all files, not just TEXT files'
Bounds: x1=24, y1=8, x2=368, y2=72
Type: -120
Info: 'The program will ask for three files in succession. The first two are the input files to be compared. The third is the file to which the list of differences will be written.'
Bounds: x1=80, y1=80, x2=304, y2=144
Type: -120
Info: 'The output file name will default to “Diff FIRST and SECOND” where “FIRST” and “SECOND” are the names of the two input files.'
Bounds: x1=32, y1=152, x2=383, y2=173
Type: -120
Info: 'Do you wish to start over entering the file names?'